Mommy loves monkeys. When Daddy and I were in California, Grandma Greene's friend told her that she saw a Paul Frank, Julius monkey custom at Target. Turns out it was a sock monkey costume . . . but we love it too!
On the Wednesday before Halloween we went to the church Halloween party. Mommy and I walked in the parade of costumes, even though Mommy wasn't dressed up. We saw another baby who was dressed up like a monkey and his Mommy was a banana!
On Halloween day I had my four month check up. The doctors says I am doing great, just still a little on the small side. I am only in the 14th percentile for weight now at 13 lbs. 15 oz., but still going strong in the height category, coming in at the 83rd percentile at 26 inches! I had to get four shots, hence the tazmanian devil band aids on my legs. I only cried for less than a minute though!
Later Mommy and I went to visit Daddy at work. We brought them fudge brownies. The mall was handing out candy so there were lots of other kids. People kept saying how cute I was as Mommy pushed me around in my stroller. I sat in it for the first time without my car seat, like a big boy!
It was a great First Halloween!!!