Saturday, November 15, 2008

Sleepy Head!

I am a really good sleeper.  I sleep almost completely through the night now.  I wake up at around 7 o'clock, but fall back asleep with Mommy for a couple hours because she likes to stay up late. 
I take a couple naps a day... most of the time.  Sometimes when I don't get my nap, I do funny things... like, fall sleep in the shower, or while drinking my bottle! 

Ready for my close up!

Just because I'm so cute!!

Fun Stuff Lately!

For Daddy's birthday we went to CPK with their friends, James and Marianne, and my new friend, Gavin.  We're only a week apart, but he weighs almost three pounds more than me.  That's okay, I'm about three inches taller than him.  After lunch Mommy and Daddy introduced James to Ben's Cookies.  Apparently they are really good... but I wouldn't know.  
We also went over to James and Marianne's house for dinner the Sunday after Daddy's birthday to celebrate.  Mommy made Daddy a cake with his new school's logo on it. 
Speaking of Daddy's school, we went to the blackout game versus TCU.  The Utes ended up pulling off an amazing win.  Mommy left the flash on her camera, that's why the pics are kinda funny.  
Other than that Mommy and I just hang out a lot at home, while Daddy's at work.  We miss him a lot, but like he says, "someone has to work."  I help Mommy with homework sometimes too.  

Monday, November 3, 2008

Yummy . . . Rice Cereal!

I had my first solid food yesterday.  It's Mommy's and Dr. Durham's plan to plump me up.  I was really hungry so I screamed when they tried to give me this foreign food substance.  So Daddy stopped filming and Mommy gave me my bottle to calm me down.  Then they tried again.  I sat in my Bebe pod chair on the dining room table.  Mommy forgot to get me a baby spoon so fed the rice cereal to me with a teaspoon.  I think that I swallowed some, but mostly I just got it all over the place! 

I'm so proud of myself!!!

Happy Halloween!

Mommy loves monkeys.  When Daddy and I were in California, Grandma Greene's friend told her that she saw a Paul Frank, Julius monkey custom at Target. Turns out it was a sock monkey costume . . . but we love it too! 
On the Wednesday before Halloween we went to the church Halloween party.  Mommy and I walked in the parade of costumes, even though Mommy wasn't dressed up.  We saw another baby who was dressed up like a monkey and his Mommy was a banana!  
On Halloween day I had my four month check up.  The doctors says I am doing great, just still a little on the small side.  I am only in the 14th percentile for weight now at 13 lbs. 15 oz., but still going strong in the height category, coming in at the 83rd percentile at 26 inches!  I had to get four shots, hence the tazmanian devil band aids on my legs.  I only cried for less than a minute though!
Later Mommy and I went to visit Daddy at work.  We brought them fudge brownies.  The mall was handing out candy so there were lots of other kids.  People kept saying how cute I was as Mommy pushed me around in my stroller.  I sat in it for the first time without my car seat, like a big boy!
It was a great First Halloween!!!