Friday, December 12, 2008

Turkey Day!

On Thanksgiving we woke up really early to go to the annual "Turkey Bowl."  Daddy did great, and had the best fitter of everyone... well, except me of course.  

Then we went back to Grandma and Grandpa Greene's and relaxed until Great Auntie Staci, Uncle Tom, Nana, and Papa Mike came over.  I sat in my new high chair at dinner and was a very good boy.  Grandma fed me some sweet potatoes, and I REALLY loved them.  I like this holiday... lots of food!  

After dinner, we went to Mimi and Papa's for another dinner.  Mommy and Daddy later went to the movies with my Greene family, while Mimi babysat me.  It was a great day!

Visit to California

For Thanksgiving break we went to California to visit the families.  My Mimi and Papa took me to the park for the first time and I went in the swing, down the slide, and played in the sand.  

We went and visited Auntie Katie, and I loved playing with "Ted."  We also saw some good friends, and the kids Mommy used to babysit.  They all loved me! 

I love going to California, and miss everyone when we are not there!